Assistive Technology

Aid in various fields

Ehsshield also sell other assistive technology products

We sell assistive technology in various fields.

On this website you’ll find assistive technology in the field of wired internet.

On our other website we sell other products like pedagogical material, timers, incontinence briefs, and other products.

Bog der kan hjælpe børn med at koncentrere sig eller mestre ADHD og koncentrationsproblemer. Samtalebog om koncentrationsproblemer
Bog om konfliktløsning. Samtalebog
Inkontinens trusser der er pæne og smarte
Inkontinens trusser der er pæne og smarte
Inkontinens trusser der er pæne og smarte
Inkontinens trusser der er pæne og smarte
Air Tube headset
Airtube Earphones
Caller headset with airtube
Image of a Cornet electrosmog meter
Network Aadapter 9 in 1

Assistive Technology Data

European Assistive Technology Information Network.
Aid for handicapped and disabled people in Europe.
Ehsshield is a new supplier on Eastin.

Ehsshield sell aid for handicapped and disabled people.

Ehsshield is a supplier on the homepage “Assistive Technology Data Denmark”; in Danish it´s called “Hjælpemiddelbasen”.

Assistive technology products:

Let´s help or loved ones

Ehsshield and