Mobile Phone Radiation
What is EMF?
What are Electro Magnetic Fields?
Magnetic fields (created by electricity or microwaves.)
RF, Radio Frequencies.
Electric field. Electricity in wires also called LF, Low Frequenzy.

What are RF and RFR?
Radio Frequency.
This is a term that covers both radio waves and microwaves.
Smart meters are radio frequenzy using radio waves.
RFR stands for Radio Frequency Radiation.
What is non-ionozing radiation?
Non-ionozing radiation are microwaves also known as mobile phone radiation.

What are microwaves?
Microwaves are non-ionozing radiation.
In daily terms we call it mobile phone radiation.
What products use microwaves?
Mobile phones
Microwave owns.
Wireless technologies eg. from computers, laptops, tablets.
Baby monitors.
Cell towers (mobile phone masts.
2G, 3G, and 4G.
5G which means fifth generation.

What is LF?
Low Frequenzy is electricity used in
wires, cables, and cords.
Landline telephone communication.

What are cell towers?
Cell towers are mobile phone masts.
They emit microwaves.
They use different radio frequenzies.
2G means 2GHz (about 2 GHz).
3G means 3 GHz.
4G means 4 GHz.
5G means fifth generation.
What is blue light?
Blue light is blue light in the light spectrum.
Articifial, man made light has a very high amount of blue light.
LED light also has a very high amount of blue light.

What is EMF Protection?
EMF protection means protective products that are able to protect or shield against EMFs.
Usually, we talk about protective products against microwaves, and other RF. But the term can also be used for protection against LF, and all sorts of EMFs.
Is EMF protection and EMR protection the same?
Yes. These two words are used for the same shielding products synonymously.
What is EMF Protective clothing?
EMF protection clothing and EMF protective clothing means the same. Another term is EMF shielding clothing which is the same.
Silver is the best metal at shielding used in clothing.

How does shielding work?
The microwaves and other radio frequencies hit the metal and gets reflected back. How much is depending on the shielding effectiveness.
This means that metal has a shielding effect because it reduces the amount of radiation that penetrates the metal.
How do I know which shielding product is the best?
The best way is to compare the products is by comparing them by looking at the same shielding frequency, and it’s usually done by comparing the products shielding effectiveness at 1 GHz.
Please notice that some companies use a range, which can be misleading, because the range is usually wide.
Please be careful if you’re looking at percentages.
99% shielding sounds great but is actually a very poor shielding.

Please compare the dB numbers at 1 GHz instead.
You can read more about our recommendations when it comes to EMF protection chothing. Read it here: